Wedding anniversaries and their meanings by year. Please find below an extensive list of wedding anniversaries, and their corresponding meaning. If you’ve found this resource useful, please consider sharing or linking to it. Other Resources:- List of flower names Year Type 1 Year Paper 2 Years Cotton 3 Years Leather 4 Years Linen […]
Category Archives: Hints & Tips
What is a daisy chain? Quick Answer:- In floral terms, a garland of daisies threaded together. A daisy chain is a garland typically made with the common English or lawn daisy. The individual flowers are picked leaving sufficient length of stem to make a hole, usually with the thumbnail, to thread the next stem […]
Few flowers can match the timeless beauty of the fragrant lily. The pollen however can on occasion be a bit of a pain if you happen to get some on your clothes. When working with lilies this can become a regular occurrence. We’ve found the best way to remove the pollen from clothing if you […]