Tag Archives: Dunstable

Daisy Chain

  What is a daisy chain? Quick Answer:- In floral terms, a garland of daisies threaded together. A daisy chain is a garland typically made with the common English or lawn daisy. The individual flowers are picked leaving sufficient length of stem to make a hole, usually with the thumbnail, to thread the next stem […]

The Lonely Bouquet

Sunday 30th June 2013 marked International Lonely Bouquet Day.  Conceived by Emily at Fleuropean the movement is dedicated to spreading warmth and happiness through the anonymous gifting of flowers.  You can view the Lonely Bouquet Facebook Page here. The idea is to create a small bouquet of flowers and leave it somewhere for someone to […]

Tall Tales Of Dunstable Life

Alfred George Headey who originally established the Cottage Garden Flower Shop and Nurseries was very much a larger than life character about whom many tales were told by his contemporaries. One concerned a drinking bout in the Red Lion (top of Church street, now demolished) with the landlord, Johnny Crute, and Alfred, who fell to […]